Kiromic BioPharma, Inc.


Offering Date:
: (a) common stock issued in connection with the Company's public offering that closed on July 2, 2021 and/or (b) common stock between June 25, 2021 and August 13, 2021, both dates inclusive.

Lead Plaintiff Deadline:
October 04, 2022

Case Form

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The complaint alleges that the registration statement and prospectus issued in connection with the Company's public offering that closed on July 2, 2021 (the "Offering Documents") failed to disclose that the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") had, prior to the filing of these documents, imposed a clinical hold on the Company's Investigational New Drug ("IND") applications for its two new drug candidates. Given that the offering closed on July 2, 2021, more than thirty (30) days after the Company submitted the IND applications for its two immunotherapy product candidates, investors were assured that no clinical hold had been issued and clinical trials would commence.


In order to be included in the lawsuit, you must have incurred a loss on shares of purchased or acquired during the class period listed above and/or pursuant to the stock offering(s) referenced above.

Lead Plaintiff Deadline

If you suffered a loss in during the relevant time frame or pursuant to the relevant offering(s), you have until October 04, 2022 to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as a lead plaintiff.