National Vision Holdings, Inc.


Class Action Period:
May 13, 2021 - May 09, 2022

Lead Plaintiff Deadline:
March 28, 2023

Case Form

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The submission of this form does not create an attorney-client relationship.


(a) National Vision was experiencing extraordinary wage and labor pressures as a result of intense competition and disruptions in the labor market due to the COVID-19 pandemic; (b) National Vision had made a significant multi-million dollar investment in wage and compensation payments to its vision care professionals in order to prevent mass defections in the middle of 2021; (c) the enhanced payouts were expected to negatively impact the Company’s fourth quarter 2021 costs and profit margins to an extent materially greater than what had been disclosed to investors; (d) as a result of (a)-(c) above, the Company’s profitability metrics were expected to deteriorate below not only favorable 2020 results, but also pre-pandemic levels; e) the Company’s recruitment and retention efforts had not been successful and there was a substantial undisclosed risk that National Vision would experience staff and optometrist shortages and capacity constraints.


In order to be included in the lawsuit, you must have incurred a loss on shares of purchased during the class period listed above.

Lead Plaintiff Deadline

If you suffered a loss in during the relevant time frame, you have until March 28, 2023 to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as a lead plaintiff.